(805) 688-8404 highmeadow1@verizon.net

High Meadow Ranch

High Meadow Ranch is located in Solvang on the central coast of California.

This beautiful valley is an equine paradise.

High Meadow Ranch

High Meadow Ranch is located in Solvang on the central coast of California. This beautiful valley is an equine paradise.

We breed horses for dressage, hunter/jumper and 3-eventing. We offer lay-ups. The mild winters and balmy summers create an ideal environment for contented mares and playful foals.

wilhelm jumping

The horses at High Meadow are bred for all the traditional disciplines: dressage, jumping, and eventing.

Shown at left is WILHELM, who started his career in dressage and moved on to jumping and eventing.

To see more on WILHELM, go to dressage horses to see his video, and jumpers to see him over fences.

The ranch has large irrigated pastures, a veterinary center, foaling stalls with observation rooms and large insulated box stalls. All horses are turned out every day and there is round the clock supervision.

The pastures allow the horses to exercise freely, and allows the foals to develop as nature intended.

youngsters playing

saxonIn Memory Of Saxon

Our wonderful Stallion, Saxon, retired in 2010 at the age of 35 years.
Please visit his memorial site: Saxon Memorial.

The Horse’s Prayer

An interesting perspective on life: The Horse’s Prayer.